Determination of processing quality of local potato germplasms for industrial use


  • Ajmal Khan Department of Botany, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan
  • Faisal Nouroz Department of Bioinformatics, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan
  • Shazia Erum Plant Genetic Resource Institute, NARC, Islamabad, Pakistan



Quality attributes, Genotypes, Potato, Germplasm, Romeo, Industrial use


Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) of the family Solanaceae is ranked globally as the fourth most important crop after rice, maize, and wheat. More than 7,500 different varieties of potato are found around the globe. In Pakistan the total area under potatoes cultivation is 134300 ha with production of about 2.5 million tons/annum. The availability of fresh and nutritive potatoes for human utilization is very essential. The present study was conducted to screen thirty-six potato genotypes for processing quality characteristics including specific gravity, dry matter and ash contents to determine their suitability for industrial use in compliance with food safety standards. The purpose of this study was to identify the new and best processing varieties considered suitable for industrial use and to recommend such varieties to the farmers for further growth. Among the thirty-six potato genotypes, 393594-72 (1.080 g/cm3), Kuroda (1.083 g/cm3), Potato-III (1.085 g/cm3) and Romeo (1.095 g/cm3) has the highest specific gravity, whereas Sarpomira (20.13%), 393574-72 (20.21%), Kuroda (21.1%), Potato-III (21.25%), and Romeo (23.38%) was found superior for their dry matter. The maximum ash contents were recorded in Sturna (6.65%) followed by Zia-III (5.55%). Most of the potatoes cultivars at any location produced tubers with a dry matter content greater than 18.0% and a specific gravity of 1.070 g/cm3, which are within the acceptable range for processing. The study was helpful in evaluation of best potato genotypes for industrial purposes and their cultivation by the farmers.


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How to Cite

Ajmal Khan, Faisal Nouroz, & Shazia Erum. (2024). Determination of processing quality of local potato germplasms for industrial use. NUST Journal of Natural Sciences, 9(4).