About the Journal

The NUST Journal of Natural Sciences is a quarterly publication of the National University of Sciences and Technology, publishing 4 issues per year. It aims to provide a peer-reviewed publication for researchers who wish to publish papers of interest to the scientific community. The journal publishes original articles in all areas of natural sciences. Initially, the journal focused on the work carried out in the South Asian region, however, now the journal is accepting articles from the global scientific community working in the field of Natural Sciences.

Aim and Scope

NUST Journal of Natural Sciences (NJNS) ISSN 2072-4659 Publishes innovative articles on all particular features of natural sciences. The Journal is initially meant to provide a platform for international excellence peer-reviewed research in the appropriate field. Submission of a manuscript indicates that it is not concurrently deemed for publication elsewhere and that the authors have attained the necessary authority for publication. 
