Development and quality assessment of oat flour incorporated sponge cake


  • Zahoor Ahmed Institute of Food Sciences & Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam Pakistan
  • Asadullah Marri Institute of Food Sciences & Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam Pakistan
  • Nida Shaikh Institute of Food Sciences & Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam Pakistan
  • Asif Irshad Department of Food Preservation, Technical Wing of Colleges, Higher & Technical Education Department, Balochistan, Pakistan
  • Alam Khan Agriculture and Cooperatives Department (Research Wing), Balochistan Pakistan
  • Hidayat Ullah Institute of Food Sciences & Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam Pakistan
  • Chaker Khan Agriculture and Cooperatives Department (Research Wing), Balochistan Pakistan
  • Iftikhar Ahmed Agriculture and Cooperatives Department (Research Wing), Balochistan Pakistan



Sponge cake development, Oat flour, Wheat flour replacer, Functional food, Bakery product, Cake quality


The demand for healthy foods enhanced with different functional bioactive ingredients is rising in the modern day. Cakes are widely consumed, ready-to-eat baked goods that can be used to produce functional food products. The present study was conducted to utilize oat flour as a wheat flour replacer in sponge cake development. The developed treatments included: T1 = Control (whole wheat flour cake), T2 = 10% oat flour with 90% wheat flour, and T3 = 30% oat flour with 70% wheat flour. The results showed that the cake treated with 30% oat flour and 70% wheat flour (T3) resulted in 37.98% moisture, 0.65% ash, 11.47% protein, 9.25% fat, 11.14% fiber, 45.60% carbohydrate, 262.49 Kcal/100 g energy value, 860 cm3 cake volume, 4.00 cm cake height, 283 g cake weight, 9.91% baking loss, 8.34 color, 8.23 texture, 7.90 taste, 8.46 aroma and 8.76 overall acceptability. Similarly, the cake with 10% oat flour and 90% wheat flour (T2) resulted in 26.95% moisture, 0.62% ash, 10.21% protein, 8.48% fat, 9.05% fiber, 43.30% carbohydrate, 246.62 Kcal/100 g energy value, 640 cm3 cake volume, 3.77 cm cake height, 273 g cake weight, 5.53% baking loss, 7.50 color, 7.43 texture, 7.63 taste, 7.70 aroma and 7.23 overall acceptability.  The control (whole wheat flour cake) resulted in 25.77% moisture, 0.55% ash, 9.25% protein, 7.16% fat, 7.73% fiber, 34.58% carbohydrate, 219.43 Kcal/100 g energy value, 600 cm3 cake volume, 3.00 cm cake height, 268 g cake weight, 3.70% baking loss, 6.95 color, 6.94 texture, 6.76 taste, 6.43 aroma and 6.63 overall acceptability. The findings of the study indicate that the cake treated with 30% oat flour and 70% wheat flour (T3) showed a better effect on the proximate, baking, and sensorial qualities of the cake.


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How to Cite

Zahoor Ahmed, Asadullah Marri, Nida Shaikh, Asif Irshad, Alam Khan, Hidayat Ullah, … Iftikhar Ahmed. (2024). Development and quality assessment of oat flour incorporated sponge cake. NUST Journal of Natural Sciences, 9(4).